About Us
Yayasan PKT
Yayasan PKT (Company Registration No: 201801020555 (1282574– X)) was incorporated in Malaysia on 5th June 2018 under the Companies Act 2016 as a company limited by guarantee (CLBG) in Malaysia.
Yayasan PKT offers scholarships and bursaries to high achieving Malaysian students as part of the PKT Logistic Group’s continuous effort in developing the Nation’s future workforce.
Yayasan PKT serves as a platform to fulfil its corporate social responsibility initiatives in education and research for the nation.
Principle Objectives
To provide bursary, grant and scholarships to poor or deserving Malaysian students irrespective of race, religion and creed at all level of education or training in any educational or training institutions; and to organize, carry out, facilitate or support initiatives or measures in connection with the promotion and development of education.
Board of Trustees
Dato’ Seri (Dr.) Michael Tio
Dato’ Tio Sook Keo
Tan Sri Dato’ Soh Thian Lai
Independent Trustee
Tan Sri Dato’ A K Nathan Elumalay
Independent Trustee
Tan Sri Datuk Ooi Han Eng
Independent Trustee
Roles of Independent Trustees
Words from Dato' Seri (Dr.) Michael Tio
Management Best Practice (MBP)
Management Best Practice (MBP) for Yayasan PKT are set to ensure the internal control and risk management that involve internal control and risk management are protected from being misused by terrorist organisations and as a vehicle for money laundering activities.
To prevent risk exposure to Yayasan PKT and to ensure that the objectives of Yayasan PKT is in line with the provision of the Constitution and the Companies Act 2016.
- Ensure that there is no conflict of interest between duties for the company and personal interests.
- Ensure that the financial statements to be audited and activities to be carried out in line with the objectives of Company Limited by Guarantee (CLBG).
- Internal control and prepared reliable financial statements in accordance with the preparation of policies or procedures related to the receipt and use of funds.
- Record activities and transactions including information of relevant parties such as contributors and recipients of funds.
- Ensure that all requirement under the CLBG law control by Companies Act 2016 has been duly complied.
- The principle of transparency in the selection of supplies and the purchase of goods involving the activities of the company.
- Transparent procurement procedures for prudent spending transactions by ensuring that company funds is use according to spending needs.
- Commit to promote values of integrity, transparency and good governance.
- Strengthening internal control system on anti-corruption.
- Adhere to the anti-corruption.
- Eradicate all forms of corruption.
- Support corruption prevention initiates by Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the government.
T – Top level commitment
R – Risk assessment
U – Undertake control measures
S – Systematic review, monitoring and enforcement
T – Training and communications